The Iron-Clad Connection: Iron and High Intensity Interval Training
Feeling dizzy? Unusually tired? Experiencing shortness of breath and heart palpitations even when you’re just sitting pretty? Not to cause any panic but if you are experiencing all of these, you might want to read about getting enough Iron on a daily basis – and that’s what this article is all about!
The Role of Iron
Before we delve into the nitty-gritty, let's refresh our minds on the importance of iron. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin. A little throwback to our 6th-grade biology class might remember that hemoglobin is the substance in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our body. In simpler terms, iron is the "delivery guy" that ensures oxygen is transported to every part of our body that needs it.
If we don’t get enough iron, then our body cannot make enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen. This can leave us feeling tired and dizzy, as our body is not getting the oxygen it needs to function effectively.
Iron and High Intensity Interval Training
Now let's shift our focus to the world of high intensity interval training, or HIIT. This form of exercise is all about pushing your body to its limits, in short bursts. It's intense, it's rigorous, and it needs a lot of oxygen.
See the connection here? Without enough iron, our body can't produce enough hemoglobin to deliver oxygen to our muscles during HIIT. This means we won't be able to perform at our best, and we might even experience symptoms like fatigue and dizziness.
This is why ensuring we have enough iron in our diet is crucial for anyone engaged in high intensity interval training. Without it, we might not be able to keep up with the demands of our workout.
How to Ensure Enough Iron Intake
So how can we ensure we're getting enough iron? The answer lies in our diet. Foods rich in iron include lean meats, seafood, beans, and fortified grains. It's also important to pair these with foods rich in vitamin C, as it helps to improve iron absorption.
In conclusion, iron is a crucial component for our body's oxygen transportation and therefore plays a significant role in high intensity interval training. Ensuring enough iron intake can help us perform at our best during workouts and avoid symptoms like fatigue and dizziness. So, next time you're planning your diet, make sure to include foods high in iron – your body (and your workout) will thank you!